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Beyond this door lays another dimension...

A Dimension of Sound

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Enter to learn more about how girls have treated each other across several different generations.

A Dimension of Sight

Enter for a glimpse into a magical, friendly tale exploring judgement and social status. 

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A Dimension of Mind

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Enter to test your own mind and morality through a trip to the Twilight Zone. 

How did this Journey Begin, you may ask. It all started with a five minute free write...

The Judges


Lily's writing from last time still has me hung up on all the ridiculousness of rush—and prompted me to really question "how it works." Why does it "work" much better for some than it does for others? Why does it fail the people who it should work the smoothest for? Why is a big component of how it works judging the appearance or quality of another girl? Why is it NOT all about judging their character? Maybe because we can't tell enough about their character in a five minute conversation, so we default to what we can see. But I argue otherwise—what I could see while rushing the most glammed-up of girls, who clearly understood how this process works, was them continuing to check their phones. Why did it work for them?

As a Cognitive Science and Psychology major, it's clear that I'm fascinated by how people think. My short, yet incredibly in-depth free write gives great insight into my cluttered thought process on this matter. But this short writing wasn't enough: I wanted to dig even deeper into themes like social status, in-group bias, desire for approval and the nature of judgement. So, I did. 

© 2021 by Alexa Weinberg

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